

How does local lithium help the environment?

How it’s used

Did you know that lithium is essential to making the batteries in the laptops and cell phones you use every day? The same goes for electric vehicles, whose skyrocketing popularity is playing a significant part in the fight against climate change!

With the growing demand for products that run on clean energy, it’s no surprise that lithium is an increasingly sought-after material in North America.

How it’s transported

Extracting lithium close to the battery production line means avoiding long—and polluting—journeys. That means manufacturing lithium in Quebec can contribute to reducing greenhouse gases.

Sayona provides the first three links in this lithium value chain.

Quebec is well on its way to developing its own battery industry.


September 11, 2023

Our 2022 ESG report and our sustainable commitments to the community

ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors are crucial to sustainable and transparent management, as they provide important guidance for strategic decision-making and risk management. One of the aims of publishing the 2022 ESG report is to demonstrate Sayona’s commitment to building relationships of trust with the community and to pursuing its environmental, social, and governance […]+

May 5, 2023

Here and now, charging the future

The North American Lithium (NAL) Complex, located in La Corne in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, is restarting successfully. With a mine and processing plant, the site became the leading producer of lithium spodumene in North America in the first quarter of 2023, contributing to Quebec’s battery ecosystem. The NAL Complex team is engaged and motivated to continue writing […]+

March 6, 2023

Sayona at PDAC 2023: the power to connect

Sayona will once again be taking part in the annual PDAC (Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada) convention, which will be held in Toronto in one week. The PDAC convention is one of the most important events in the mining industry, bringing together professionals from exploration, mining, finance, and more. It’s an opportunity for industry […]+

January 23, 2023

What you might not know about the mining industry in Quebec!

The mining industry is booming in Quebec, thanks in no small part to the development of its lithium sector. However, this sector remains relatively unknown to the public, despite the important strategic role it plays for the province. Mines and their operation represent a considerable source of wealth for the province and provide us with […]+

January 9, 2023

Lithium in everyday life

Lithium has become a ubiquitous mineral in our lives, both at home and at work. In fact, you may not know it, but the device on which you are reading this article contains lithium. As an essential component in the batteries of electrical objects, it’s found in many of the electrical items we use daily. […]+

November 28, 2022

What is Le lithium d’ici, exactly?

Extracting and processing lithium directly in Abitibi-Témiscamingue has three long-term strategic advantages that will benefit not only the region, but the province of Quebec as a whole. We are part of a great movement to develop the electrification of transportation, which will help to progressively reduce our environmental footprint; encourage local, regional, and provincial economic […]+