Authier project
The project
The Authier project, 30 km away from Amos, is dedicated to the extraction of lithium-bearing ore.
Evolution of the Authier project
In 2021, Sayona acquired North American Lithium and decided to process the ore there instead of at Authier as originally planned. This choice significantly reduces the Authier project’s environmental footprint on the region.
Since the two sites are less than 70 km apart, the extracted lithium will travel a short enough distance that it can be carried by a fleet of green trucks (electric, hybrid, and hydrogen vehicles) powered by Quebec’s renewable energy where technology allows.
In February 2023, the government agreed to Sayona’s request to voluntarily submit the Authier project to the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE). In line with its commitment to transparency and collaboration, Sayona’s request will allow citizens to get involved in the project’s development.
The BAPE’s mission is to inform government decision-making by issuing findings and opinions that account for the public’s concerns and are based on the principles of the Sustainable Development Act.
Extraction method
Sayona favours conventional mining techniques: drilling and blasting.
Key points
This project will be similar to a quarry and will not include a tailings facility.
The site’s lifespan has doubled from 14 to 28 years. By the end of the exploration phase, the site will be 1 km long, 600 m wide, and 225 m deep.
Sayona reached an agreement with the municipality of La Motte to compensate for the loss of property taxes associated with the concentrator and other buildings.
Measured and Indicated Resource:
14.1 Mt
@ 1.01% Li2O
A brief history
Consultation and approval
A thorough consultation and approval process was put in place prior to the start of the project. Download the latest documents for more information.
Document to download
Voicing your concerns
We value what you have to say. If you have questions about any part of the North American Lithium project, please let us know.
Our monitoring committee
As part of our mission to maintain strong relationships with local communities, we have set up feedback mechanisms for each of our projects.
Working with us
Looking for a job? That’s great—North American Lithium has a number of open positions!